Search Results
MaSMi-40 Hall Thruster (Wirz Research Group, UCLA)
UCLA Energy Innovation Lab (Wirz Research Group, UCLA)
Hall thruster PiC/MCC-simulation: azimuthal instability visualisation
High-speed video of PEPL Rotating Magnetic Field thruster plasma pulse
Hall Thruster Diagnostics Visualization
Hall Thruster Vacuum Testing Continuous
Hall effect thruster Outer Ring Booster Firing Test
Hall thruster axial-azimuthal model with self-magnetic-field and cathode plasma
Ionic Hall Effect Thruster Sucks in and Sprays out Dust Particles
AIS-AHT1-PQ Pico Anode Layer Hall Thruster - Ignition Test 1 - Video 2
UnB's Hall Effect Thruster - 2012
KLIMT Krypton Large Impulse Thruster - first ignition